LangTurbo - Learn Languages Faster

LangTurbo - Learn Languages Faster

Visit Site

This is a website for language learning and linguistic resources, with the following sections:

  1. About: Provides information about the website, its features, and its purpose.
  2. Blog: A section for blog posts related to language learning, linguistics, and other topics.
  3. Frequency Lists: Offers lists of words in different languages, organized by frequency of use.
  4. Contact: Allows users to contact the website or its developers.
  5. Privacy: Provides information about how the website collects and uses user data.
  6. Terms: Outlines the terms and conditions for using the website.

The website also includes a social media section with links to Twitter and RSS feeds, as well as a download link for an iOS app version of the language learning platform.

Additionally, the website includes a range of linguistic resources and tools, such as:

  • Pronunciation guides
  • Frequency lists
  • Language learning apps

Overall, this is a comprehensive resource for language learners and linguists alike.